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Friday 30 May 2014

Consideration and HAPPY video!

We have just finished our music video. This year our school value is Consideration. We decided to make a music video of us showing how we are considerate. Then we had some fun at the end with our cover of Pharrell Williams song - Happy :)


  1. Room 10 thinks your Happy video is funny! - Rose
    I like your dancing, it made us all smile! - Amelia
    This makes me happy! -Maria
    Room 10 likes this, it makes all of us laugh! - Paulo
    I really liked when the teachers danced in the classroom! - Caleb
    We liked your Happy song, it made me laugh, thanks for sharing it! - Gareth
    We all love your video, it makes us smile and want to dance :) - Room 10 and Miss Park

    1. Thanks Room 10!!! We are glad you loved our video
      -Room 9

  2. Cool video!
    from Maria
    ps I am Ellie's sister!

  3. Wonderful video Room 9. I think you all look very happy and it is pretty clear you had a great time putting this together. I think you have some potential professional performers in this class! (Alexandra)

  4. Your video is AMAZING!! I loved watching all the staff get involved too! Awesome moves guys, looks like so much fun!
