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Friday 26 September 2014


For our final collage project we did masks! We ripped, cut and stuck paper onto the masks in a pattern. Then we glued on staws, feathers and ribbons to add extra effect! Look at some of our final products!! 

Wednesday 24 September 2014

More high jump practice photos!

We have been doing Athletics for P.E! Here are some photos of us practicing our high jump!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Reminder for FRIDAY 18 September!!

Just a reminder to our Room 9 team! Tomorrow is PJ/Mufti Day! Most are wearing pajamas but mufti is an option as well. I am away sick, Mrs. Cameron will be in Room 9! Have a great Friday and weekend :) 

-Miss Dobbin

More College Sport Photos!

Monday 15 September 2014

Athletics in Room 9!

We have been doing Athletics for P.E! Our Hampstead School Athletics Day is coming up early next term! The date is 23 October! Watch our video below and leave comments too! Thanks!

Fraction fun!!

We made fruit kebabs with Miss Dodd in our ESOL group:) Then we brought them back to class and shared them with our friends and Miss Dobbin!

Sunday 14 September 2014


We are learning about Measurement! We are measuring ourselves, our friends, objects in the classroom AND outside! Here we are measuring each other to see how tall we are! We had to estimate first and then find out how many centimeters tall we are. - By Rowan and Ian

Thursday 4 September 2014


We have new pets in room 9 their names are Tom and Jerry! They are Axolotls! (Mexican Walking Fish) They got a new tank today and they love it!!! -Brooke

Everyone's a teacher and EVERYONE is a student :)

We LOVE the Kid President. We've been talking a lot about effective listening, how we can make sure we are there for our friends and how to be a better student and teacher. We enjoyed this video, we hope you do too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!